The burning stars
Look really cool at night
So pretty from far
Hanging from a branch
Loaded with flowers and leaves
A bale swings with wind
A bird is resting
After a long journey, as
Miles are still to cross
Contradiction viewed
As flower blooms on cactus
A plant of spines
A cloud in blue sky
Roaming at random lonely
Like shark in the sea
How much amazing
Sixth sense of some animals
A divine blessing
Soft petals arranged
With a blessing of fragrance
In form of flower
Rhythm of river
How much similar to the
Curls of her long locks
With two wide spread wings
The hawk is on a long flight
Destined to attack
On the slope of hill
The shadow of the leaned tree
Pause for the trekkers
At the side of pond
In evening
A plane slides
On the snow of clouds
in sky
Hardest earth
At edge of the sea
Stone border
The exquisite sight!
Burning sky above the sea,
How contradicting
How does sun look like
When it rises from mountain?
Active volcano
After long darkness
Hope comes with the rising sun
To have endless day
Evening welcomes night
With the diminishing sun
As day is tired
Trees are green although
Autumn in the morning sky
Even in summer
Nature wakes up with
Redness in morning sky
And chirping of birds
Beautiful winter!
Sprinkled cloud-zest everywhere,
In the snow-shower
Bird, ready to fly!
New start or ending halt
Hard to know right thing
Birds visit the farm
Seeking for grains if any
Left after harvest
As blooming started
The branches leaned with weight of
Bunches of flowers
The God has painted
Beautiful abstracts on
The butterfly's wings
Cold climates on Earth
Life does exist there thou'
Not suited to men
Desire to reach the peak
and to see the beauty of green valley
Across the foggy slopes
Greens with different shapes
Grow at random on the ground
Untouched with walkers
Grass - tips cheer with pride,
Being adorned with dew-drops,
Shining like diamonds.
Out for having fun
The ducks with their ducklings
In a summer day
Ducks swim on surface
Leading to destination
Determined to reach.
Brewed hot to be sipped
By and by
Finding Him's not tough
If we conserve a pure heart
He lives inside us.
The vision can roam
Too far across the valley
From top of the hill
Horse without rider!
Rambling without having aim;
So indisciplined!
Image of nature
Clear in still water
Although inverted
Without the water
Image of a landscape
Does seem incomplete
Leaves in the autumn
Spreading its crunchy carpet
To replace green grass
Life under water
In vivid shapes and sizes
Colourful as well
Mischievous sea!
Doesn't allow beach to rest,
Keeps on disturbing.
Heights of tall mountains
Within the rifts and valleys
Seem to be enhanced
Being reflected
Nature seems inverted at
Surface of still lake
Butterflies land on
Bunches of flowers with their
Parachutes of wings
Peeping from the caves
Situated at the top
Of the highest peak
Playing with baby!
The only thing to enjoy
His giggling with joy.
Uneven lines drawn
By rain drops on window shield
While draining away
Rays filtered through clouds
Gives waves sparking smiles
When reaches the sea
Birds are converting
The rhythm made on water
In sound of chirping
Being swept by wind
A smooth sandy surface
Exists in desert.
So much emphasis
Given by the God to make
The shapes of the leaves
Shower of water
After the rain is finished
Dripping from the tree
Sea keeps on striking,
Profuse in thundering waves,
Stone hill remains still.
Sweet to see
Sugar coated tree
In winter
Roots hidden in ground
Make the beautiful trees
Colourless themselves
Cool light in morning
Before the sun does appear
The best part of day.
A bird in winter
With blanket of its feathers
Venturing nature
The birdie
Lives with its parents
Till wings grow
The birds immigrates
After crossing miles and miles
To enjoy summer
The bouncing water!
Falling from the height where,
Stream meets river.
The plants of Cactii
Don't mind to grow firm and tall
Even in desert
Loaded with thick leaves
Crown of delicate flowers
However on top
Doors decorated
With colourful wreaths and lights
On the Chrismas eve
Fruit of coconut
Coated with hairy hard cell
White sweet crunch inside
Starving cranes
In the shallow stream
Fishing food
Crows announced
Arrival of guest
In harsh sound
The dolfins! men's friends,
Among the huge number of
Enemies in sea
Zigging- zagging sound
By vehicles on drenched road
Replicates itself
The curse of earthquakes
Punishment for unknown crime
Given by nature
Tiny but so keen
In recognising the aim
Among the huge crowd
Fishes move in groups
Anywhere they wander
In the deep ocean
Fruit of grapes
Conserving sweet gels
In small shapes
A heavenly place
Greenery complemented
With birds' sweet chirping.
Before night
Ignited sky
In sunset
Giggling linn
Dissolving melody
All around
When the sun arrives
Darkness of night goes away
And morning begins
In shadow
Mushrooms making room
To survive
After grabbing one
The rabbit is in hurry
To search for more food
Illusion of eye
Colourful appearance of
Rainbow in the sky
Rainbow declares
Beginning of bright days and
End of rainy ones
Redness on trees
Announces arrival of
Season of Autumn
Season of summer
Is not so much stinging
In the beginning
The spiders weave net
For protection and support.
Self efficient!
The shapeless water,
Can mould it in any shape,
But depth is its own.
Sky! Still high!
Clouds seemed to be reached although,
In the form of fogs.
Showing light at night
Snow in winter acts as
Reflector of light
Out of their nests
In Spring
Golden sun
Turns into diamond
As day comes
Tall green trees grow high
Want to be first to receive
Warmth of the sunrays
A temple
In the date trees' groove
Besides pond
The tiny dried leaves
Falling from the tree to give
Space to new ones
Wavy woods
Spread in heights so wide
Deep as well.
As morning arrives
The trees loaded with dew drops
Give shiny smiles
Golden ichy fur
Worn by acres of wheat farms
Just before harvest
The cyclonic wind
Used to be essence of life
Turned into a threat
Trees and plants
Giving shelter to
Birds and deer
Valley of flowers
A cleft of colourful thoughts
Lilting happiness
As water rolls down
Following path of spring
Trees and stones bid bye
Trees in the winter
Being aparted from leaves
Waiting for spring
Filled with smoky fog
The wood seems to be burning
Thou' it is winter
The words sound so sweet
imitated by parrots
Like baby babbles
The sky is bright
The wind has cleared the clouds
Some still needs force
A path to achieve
The destination of life
The brightest spot